Facebook Chatbots (a.k.a Facebook bot) are chat bots that live within Facebook Messenger. They answer simple queries, give personal information, and do various tasks on your behalf. Bots are generally programmed to know simple questions, give useful answers, and perform specific tasks. It is also possible for a user to program a Facebook Messenger Bot to do anything he or she wants it to. It is usually up to the user whether or not the bot acts autonomously, following user instructions or operating on his or her own.

Facebook has a lot to gain by offering chat bots which will automate many of the services it offers. It does not have to pay a company millions of dollars to develop and promote such a product. Facebook can simply leverage the work of bot developers and the social networks that host them, like Twitter and Facebook. As a result, Facebook can offer its users not only a faster and easier way to get in touch with each other, but also a more personalized customer service experience.

Many people wonder why Facebook would want to use bots to facilitate customer service. After all, Facebook Messenger is a free service, which can be used by anyone for any reason. Facebook messaging is most likely one of the fastest ways to get people to respond to one another, so having a bot that interacts with people even without their knowledge could quickly grow to be an important marketing strategy. Customers tend to be impressed when they meet a familiar face or find that the product they bought was actually what they were looking for. This is why Facebook Messenger Bot is likely to be popular among customers for quite some time.

Facebook has already made good use of Messenger Bots in other areas. The New York Times published a story about how Facebook has used chat Bots to help advertise its products to college students. Facebook even partnered with Yahoo! Answers to enable individuals to post questions to chat Bots which then engages the user with a response to the question.

Since Messenger Bot was released, it has already attracted a lot of attention from the technology community. However, one group that's certainly excited is the robotics industry. Robotic engineers are especially interested in the idea that this new bot can save time while still conducting potentially valuable transactions on a regular basis. This particular bot allows a business owner to have a human employee answer his calls, while he focuses on larger strategic projects.

Facebook will probably continue to add more bots to its lineup of social applications. In addition to using chat bots to allow customers service chat, the company may also introduce photo and video bots. These additional applications will allow businesses to take their businesses to the next level.

Facebook Messenger Bot has also opened up communication channels between IT staff and end-users. It could be a great way for IT managers to provide training sessions or help users solve problems they're experiencing. By using Messenger Bots to manage both tasks and conversations, the process becomes much smoother and faster, which means businesses will have more time to get their customers live chat services and resolve other problems. Additionally, since Facebook is partnered with Yahoo! Answers, the bot can also provide potential customers with answers to frequently asked questions or even open forums.

Facebook's decision to partner with Yahoo! Answers is another step forward toward using advanced artificial intelligence to improve the way people and businesses interact on Facebook. While chat bots may not completely replace actual human employees, they can certainly make answering customer service questions easier and more convenient. Facebook Chatbot may not be able to replace actual humans, but they can certainly make customer service more convenient and give Facebook a real shot in the arm for its future in enterprise applications.

Posted in Business And Management