CBD stands for cannabidiol. It has long been used by people and helps get rid of the symptoms of many common ailments. It has recently been discovered that several common problems such as cognitive impairment, mental disorders, anxiety, and internal and external pain can be reduced by using CBD oil in any form.

Many consumers prefer the use of CBD oil over regular medication because of its rapid effects and rapid recovery from anxiety symptoms.

CBD is popular not only with humans but also with animals. Early research suggests that animals also possess an endocannabinoid system that contains the CBD receptor. CBD oil for cats can be beneficial to relief from anxiety as well as pain.

What type of CBD should I give my cat?

To be clear, not all CBD contains THC. When considering your options, it is important to educate yourself about the type of CBD you are buying.

There are 3 popular types of CBD:

  • Isolate CBD (also known as crude oil) is a pure CBD distillate containing only CBD and no other compounds. There are several different types of cannabis, so the concentrations of the two compounds are different.

  • CBD hemp oil is extracted from hemp, a plant known to contain less than 0.3% THC

  • Full-spectrum oils are oils extracted from hemp or marijuana that contain a full spectrum of cannabinoids.

Researchers recommend supplying your cat with crude CBD oil or CBD isolate oil that does not contain any other compounds. This will ensure that your cat does not ingest THC, which has the potential to cause psychoactive effects.

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