Physical Therapy (PT) is a form of healthcare that helps patients improve their mobility, reduce pain, and improve their overall physical functioning. It is a form of treatment that uses physical modalities such as exercise, heat, cold, hydrotherapy, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic massage to help achieve these goals. Physical therapists use an individualized approach to help restore function, improve mobility, reduce pain, and prevent further injury or disability.

It can also help to prevent further injury or disability by providing support and education on how to move properly. Physical Therapy in Edmonton can also be used to treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

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Physical Therapy Techniques:

• Exercise: Exercises are used to help improve strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance.

• Manual Therapy: This technique involves the use of hands-on techniques to help improve range of motion and reduce pain.

• Therapeutic Modalities: These include the use of electrical stimulation, heat, cold, and hydrotherapy to reduce pain and improve mobility.

• Education: Physical therapists provide education on proper body mechanics and how to move properly to help prevent further injury or disability.


Physical therapy is a form of healthcare that can help improve a patient’s physical functioning, reduce pain, and improve their quality of life. It is an individualized approach to help restore function, improve mobility, reduce pain, and prevent further injury or disability. 

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