There are many activities that dementia patients can enjoy at home. These activities can be enjoyed with family and friends, or by oneself. Some of the activities that dementia patients can enjoy include:

  • Painting: Painting is a great activity for dementia patients because it helps to stimulate the brain and keep them occupied. Painting can also be therapeutic for those with dementia, as it can help to ease stress and make them feel happier.

gifts for dementia patients

  • Quilting: Quilting is another great activity for dementia patients because it is calming and soothing.

  • Gardening: Gardening is another great activity for dementia patients because it is both therapeutic and fun. 

  • Playing games: Playing games is a great way for dementia patients to stay active and engaged. Some of the games that are good for dementia patients include Memory, Jenga, Bingo, Scrabble, and Chess.

  • Watching TV: Watching TV can be a fun way for dementia patients to pass the time. However, they should be mindful not to overdo it as some dementia patients suffer from tachycardia, which is a condition where the heart rate is too fast and can be life threatening. 

  • Writing: Writing or journaling is a great way for dementia patients to express themselves and share memories with others. It also helps in improving communication skills.

Playing music can help dementia patients feel happier and loved by others. If a patient has no musical background but enjoys listening to music, playing an instrument may be a great way for them to express themselves.

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