A new puppy brings out the "babying" aspect in the majority of folks; with those huge puppy eyes, the waggly tail, and twitchy little nose, plus they look so tiny and helpless. He isn't likely to be a doggie forever and dealing with behavior problems down the road will be much more challenging than if you simply teach him correctly now. Your odds of success decrease significantly once your canine is set in his ways.

Training is always easier than re-training. Puppy leash training is among the relevant matters. It is so much easier to leash teach your dog as a young pup, mainly simply because they are smaller and not as tricky to work with. If you wait until the puppy becomes older to begin your canine leash teaching, it is going to be more difficult as the dog is physically much more able to pull you around and cause issues.

Step one to dog leash training may be to get your puppy dog accustomed to wearing his puppy collar. Once your dog gets older, it becomes hard to control him. In this case, there are specialized strong leashes for big dogs that you can buy for better control. 

Usually when you first try and put a collar on a doggie, it will try and scratch at it or roll around and use any means it may to try and get the collar off. While watching this reaction, you're probably going to feel sorry for your pup and prefer to take the collar off, but you'll want to leave it on until he has calmed down and focuses his attention elsewhere.

By handling it in this manner, he will associate the removal of the collar happens when he is calm, not when he is engaged in his irritated antics. Puppy leash training then proceeds to the step of getting the dog accustomed for the leash itself. Attach the leash to the puppy's collar and let it drag the leash around while it's playing.

Before you know it he may soon accept the leash's presence and pay no attention to it, just like he did with the collar, and then you can begin with the next step in the dog leash training process. While working on the leash phase, it is of utmost importance to keep your pup's safety in mind, and never leave him unattended while he's dragging the leash around, preventing it from becoming snagged on something. You can hold the leash and walk the doggie around the house at this time, the final step in dog leash training.


Posted in Business And Management