An anal fissure is a tear in the skin around the anal opening (the end part of the digestive tract that controls the passage of stool). It is associated with pain and bleeding during bowel movements. This condition is more common in young babies but can occur at any age.

They are usually caused by trauma or injury to the anal canal during a bowel movement or defecation, constipation, diarrhea, or childbirth. You can also check out here to get more information about acute fissure treatment.

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Most anal fissures can be diagnosed through a physical exam, which includes an examination of the anal area and a review of your medical history. In some cases, the diagnosis is made with a digital rectal examination or with the help of an instrument called an anoscope.

They usually self-medicate for a few days or weeks (acute), but in cases where they don't heal even after 6 weeks (chronic), medication or surgery is recommended.

Other symptoms are:

1) Blood in the stool, on the towel, or in the bowl

2) Muscle spasm at the tip of the anus

3) Cracked or torn anal skin

Treatment usually consists of simple measures to keep your stools soft, such as B. increasing fiber and fluid intake. Soaking in warm water for 10-20 minutes as often as possible, especially after a bowel movement, also helps in healing and relieves discomfort.

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